Innovation: Henkel improves innovation


infoRETAIL.- Henkel opened its Center for Innovation and Interaction (ICC) for 3D printing near Dublin.

This center will become Henkel's European Regional Center for technology demonstrations, demonstrations, training, testing and customer service for 3D printing solutions.

The Adhesive Technologies unit offers complete 3D printing solutions to its customers, including innovative materials, specialized equipment and a broad portfolio of customized solutions. post-processing

The establishment of this center is part of its goal to further develop its R & D capabilities. The new building has laboratories, customer service offices, meeting rooms and facilities. 3D printing facilities.

"The opening of our first center for innovation and interaction in Ireland will strengthen our experience and our ability to bring solutions from 3D printing to the manufacturing processes of our customers, "says Michael Todd, Global Head of Innovation at Henkel Adhesive Technologies.

By the end of this year, Henkel will open two more regional 3D printing centers, one to Rocky Hill for North America and another to Shanghai for Asia.

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