Innovation: Retail trade and digital innovation growing faster


74% of firms retailers claim that the need to perform digital innovations every day at a higher speed badumes a serious risk in the satisfaction of customers, which, in the case of a large consumption, has an immediate impact on your income statement. This is one of the main findings of a study conducted by Dynatrace among 219 technology managers in this sector. In particular, the study reveals that the retail business is launching two new updates per hour of work.

According to this report, 91% of the companies in the sector say that they will need to launch updates even more quickly and that this need, admits 60% of them, forces them to choose between doing it quickly or guaranteeing that their customers have a good experience in their digital relations with the company

63% of companies say that this environment requires a lot of work for s & # 39; ensure that software performance is not affected

In addition, the study badyzes the difficulties faced by organizations in "balancing agility and speed" when they innovate, due to pressure [19659002] which imposes the market dynamic and the competition. In this sense, and according to the badysis, while working in the cloud provides agility, 63% of companies say that this environment requires a lot of work to ensure that the performance of the software is not affected. Fifty-five percent of them say that they can not be sure that the transfer of an application to the cloud brings the desired benefits and 51% are not sure that this environment is the best. more appropriate.


This study shows the consequences of the lack of collaboration between the development and exploitation teams. 78% of business technology managers say that this deficit is delaying projects. In this regard, 47% state that digital transformation processes fail, in most cases, with external problems, while 50% state that they are due to problems of an internal nature.

The study indicates that, faced with this situation, 61% of companies are implementing DevOps development methodologies as a solution to this problem to accelerate the speed of innovation. However, 73% of organizations point out that the implementation of this methodology is often undermined by the lack of shared data and tools (19459006), which complicates the task of technology teams. unique to reality. Finally, 50% of participants identified differences in departmental priorities as an additional hurdle to DevOps adoption.

"Today, every organization on the planet is a software company, with market leaders like Amazon publishing several software updates every second . Modern software delivery is based on fast and agile development cycles, as well as hybrid and dynamic hybrid environments, "says Dynatrace DevOps expert Andreas Grabner, retailers need to have a complete overview of the portfolio. DevOps projects, code to the experience "

" However, buyers also expect that the constant flow of new features and e-commerce updates works concessions. retailers is getting a complete vision of the DevOps project portfolio, from code to experience As DevOps matures, retailers are looking to automate and integrate manage their software development to launch updates faster, with higher quality and with less manual effort, "he says.

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