Innovation: Why You Need to Have a Youtube Strategy for Your Ecommerce


What YouTube and businesses, especially small ecommerce companies, is curious. When in my consulting work, I urge my clients on the need to have a strategy on YouTube and include video as a priority element of their online presence , they look at me as suddenly turned green, antennas and start talking in Klingon.

YouTube is not a repository of videos and that's all. It's a social network with all the law, and very successful. Indeed, an IAB Spain study on the activity of brands in social networks clearly shows that when it comes to generating responses from users, YouTube wins by a landslide to any other social network, including Facebook. In this aspect, YouTube is the Messi of Social Networks

However, few are small and large corporations, which have a social networking strategy that includes YouTube effectively I could refer to video in general, or Vimeo but the numbers are overwhelming in favor of the network Alphabet (ex Google).

[ Mental Note : A The best thing about Google's big mistake with Google+ was wanting to create a new social network when I already had one. Or maybe I think I'm smarter than any Mountain View brainies staff, so let's go big strategies for those who know this and go to ours ]

The study of which I'm I spoke before said that YouTube multiplies by 6 the ability of Facebook to generate responses among users before the message of a trademark. Although, as always, studies are not the Bible and must be taken with pliers.

Be that as it may, the trend that is revealed in the study is consistent with what has been said for some time: ] video has become the king of social networks. If so, why do brands use it so little?

The reasons for the fear of YouTube

  The new comment change on the YouTube app I think the lack of a strategy on YouTube, which is used as a simple video store, is due to the obsession to have everything under control that continues to prevail in Spanish companies. Quite simply, are afraid to regularly use this channel because they always think that a video on YouTube needs to be as well designed, prepared and produced as a spot televised, which takes months of preparation.

Moreover, in the spirit of the average entrepreneur, the badociation video = expensive still exists. Nothing is further from reality. The same phenomenon of youtubers categorically denies it.

You can reach millions of people with a video made with a webcam. At the time we spoke in a post about this and we will not repeat the alternatives to make a video that will give good results without spending a lot of money. Let's focus today on managing this video as part of a strategy on YouTube. By the way: Why YouTube and not Vimeo? Well, it's as if you're asking me why Facebook and not Snapchat? The correct answer would be that both, but if you have to choose, let's go big first: the YouTube strategy.

Youtube Strategy: Fundamental Aspects

Since the daily hearing of Youtube is superior to most TV channels (of course for the whole of the TNT), we can not ignore its use in our online presence strategy. And we must do it in two key aspects:

1. YouTube as Advertising Channel

The simplest and easiest way to see our videos on YouTube is obviously to pay them. Google manages advertising on YouTube through Google Ads (formerly known as Google Adwords) .

There are various formats and prices, depending on whether we want to display a banner when the user is watching a video related to the keyword in which we want to position or if we want our ad to be a real spot of those who appear before watching a video.

Here too, as in the rest of the old Adwords different prices depending on the demand of the keyword in question by other advertisers, so the Adwords strategies are fully applicable to a Youtube strategy . Therefore, YouTube should be an integral part of any Google Ads strategy.

2. YouTube as a content delivery channel

It's here that we really need to design a specific YouTube strategy. Until now, most companies use it as a repository. The videos are downloaded there, a YouTube channel is created … but its main purpose is to insert these videos in blogs, websites and social networks.

In this sense, YouTube is the Cinderella strategies in social networks.

But beware, if you find someone who knows how to put the crystal slipper, Cinderella becomes a princess. To do this, we must take into account several factors:

a) Consider our channel on YouTube as a key element

This means taking care of it as much as our Facebook page or our Twitter account. Here we will also have subscribers (in this case subscribers) to take care of.

b) Keep the channel alive with daily updates

We can share videos made by us, but also external content. Prepare lists by subject so that the subscriber is not lost. Keep in mind that the life cycle of a Youtube publication is much longer than that of a publication on Twitter or Facebook .

If these networks are counted at the time, a video on YouTube requires a few days to reach its maximum audience. This implies that you do not have to publish your own video per day but you should not publish less than one per week. The huge advantage of YouTube is that unless the video is playing topical subjects, the duration of this video can be several months or years.

c) Monitor the results of the strategy in Youtube with Analytics

Remember, we are not talking about Google Analytics, but of the native tracking tool for Youtube. It offers a lot of information on the scope of your videos, traffic sources, geographical origin, profile of visitors, second to second stall rate … which will allow you to correct your Youtube strategy by depending on the acceptance of the videos that they publish and whether they reach the target audience or not you want them to reach.

d) Interact with the public

On Youtube you can do it twice: from the video itself (at any time you can insert a link on the screen, for example ) from the comments. In addition, what many people are screaming on Facebook, the famous "do not like" button, on Youtube is standard.

Similarly, if you establish good communication with your subscribers, you can ask them to tell you which topics they would be most interested in talking about your videos, or set up a video-on-demand system.

e) Interact and speak on other channels

The tool of The comments of YouTube will allow you, as you already do in the usual social networks , to comment in third-party videos, and even to respond to a video with another video. All this based on basic strategic lines that you are supposed to have previously defined in your social network strategy.

It's neither expensive nor consumes much more time: in fact, a videoblog (like ours), overtook initial panic on camera it's easier and faster to make a blog. If you add to that the ability to create events, retransmit in real time and automatic correction of the image, including the ability to perform simple editing tasks on your own system, has no excuse for not having a strategy in place. Youtube for your brand that can give you more joy, both as a source of income in itself and as a source of traffic to your website.

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