Instagram is making a new feature globally available that we talked about a few weeks ago and which has been confirmed by the platform itself. This is a named function You are all trapped (you are already up to date) and aims to give the user a greater awareness of the time that's going on. it goes into the application . ] The new tool consists of a notice which is shown among the publications of the feed main user and which will communicate, in a brief and concise manner, that all publications that people have already seen those who were followed were made in the last 48 hours . In this way, those who appear will be able to stop surfing in search of new content in this part of the application and switch to the recently launched Histories, IGTV or Explore tab. By the options, of course, will not be.

With that, as they claim of the social network itself, we want to give users greater ease in knowing exactly what publications they have already seen and that they do not have ] Something that seems consistent with the tests that they do on both Facebook and Instagram to silence application notifications individually for a while or indefinitely.

Never tried to discourage the use

] Although the CEO of Instagram confirmed the arrival of this function stating that the time pbaded by more than 1,000 million users of the platform must be "intentional and positive" in any case, the reality is that this new function is not as clearly oriented as you think. Perhaps having returned the chronological order to feeding something very demanding, would have sufficed, is not it?

Instagram, though it may seem, does not want to spend less time on the application but that attention is drifting into other areas when the personal publications have already been sufficiently exploited and are losing value to Stories and IGTV. With the constant arrival – especially in recent days – new features to enhance various aspects of the application that clearly promote its use, the social network is more inclined than ever to give arguments to users to continue using their platform and not directly opposed.