Intendea announced the names of the new social development and government Seremis


Intendant announced the names of the new Seremis of Social Development and Government

In the morning of today, the Intendente Maria Teresa Castañón Silva, informed the names of the new Regional Ministerial Secretaries (Seremis) They will be represented by Liz Casanova Méndez in Social Development and Alejandra Muñoz in Government, which as of Friday will be integrated into the Regional Cabinet, with the conviction to deliver their skills and efforts to the maximum position in the development of Magallanes.

On this occasion, the Regional Intendant, Maria Teresa Castañón Silva, insisted that "we will continue to work for a better Magallanes and that there will be no setbacks in regarding the guidelines we are working on ". In addition, the regional chief added that "the new seremis begins today with a task entrusted by the president Sebastián Piñera, whose fundamental axis is to improve the quality of life of all the inhabitants from the Magallanes region. " [19659003]

For its part, the new Social Development Serial, Liz Casanueva, thanked Minister Cecilia Pérez, Minister Alfredo Moreno and Castañón Mayor, stating that "we will follow the directives of President Sebastián Piñera, who is reflected a government that listens and brings government programs closer to the people. "

Meanwhile, the new government portfolio manager, Alejandra Muñoz, said:" I am very pleased to take up this new challenge and I appreciate the support that President Sebastián Piñera has given me jointly with the Minister Cecilia Pérez. "

It should be noted that both professionals badume today Friday, June 13 in their respective portfolios.

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