International Asteroid Day – El Vigía


From a shooting star, to the crater of a meteorite and the extinction of species, asteroids are the main protagonists of this Saturday, June 30. For the second year in a row, the Mexican Society of Astrobiology, AC (SOMA) and Caracol Museum of Science will commemorate, through various activities, the International Day of the Asteroid.

Historically this day arose by decree of the United Nations in the year 2016 to commemorate that June 30, but in 1908, in Tunguska, Russia, the observation was recorded for the first time a huge fireball in the sky, which turned out to be a racing car of space that exploded. The shockwave of this object, about 50 meters long, caused a great devastation in the region: it spilled over 2 000 km2 of trees!

Remembering an event of such magnitude makes us think about our place in the Solar system and also makes us realize that the Earth is exposed to the constant fall and collision of asteroids. It is for this reason that we emphasize the importance of studying these objects, not only as key elements to know the beginnings of our solar system, but also to be warned against a threat impact that could lead to unwanted consequences for life in the solar system. Tierra

The Institute of Advanced Studies of Baja California, AC (IdEABC), and the Institute of Astronomy of UNAM, both based in Ensenada, are part of the National Near Earth Objects Network (RedNEOs), an inter-institutional organization that, among other things, conducts the annual National Asteroid Observation Campaign, and maintains a website that reports on the relevance of these objects.

On the other hand, given the great importance that had asteroids in the formation and in the history of the solar system, the Mexican astrobiology society is organizing this event here at Ensenada, with the participation of AC IdEABC, the Juvenil Scientific Society and the Astronomical Society of Ensenada. Asteroid Day is an event of international scale with headquarters at CDMX, Ensenada and Monterrey. This is a global campaign to keep us alert and not lose sight of these rocks of space; and also, a great opportunity to know and talk about the science of these objects.

* The authors are members of the Mexican Society of Astrobiology, A.C.

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