International guilds go to government because of limitations on mobile phones


The recent decision of the Telecommunications Secretariat (Subtel) to temporarily suspend the commercial operation of the 3.5 GHz band of the sector and the decision of the Supreme Court, which obliges Entel, Movistar and Claro to surrender The amount of spectrum acquired in the 700 MHz band's offer is provoking reactions at the international level. This is due to the director of the GSMA regional office in Latin America, the badociation of mobile operators around the world, Sebastin Cabello, and the executive director of the Inter-American Association of Telecommunications Operators (Asiet), Pablo Bello (former under-secretary). telecommunications), called for hearings with local government authorities, including Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pamela Gidi, and the Minister of Economy, Jos Ramn Valente.

According to reports, these meetings intend to deal with measures that were applied Finally, mobile phone companies, who also surprised the international market

Mobile Restrictions

Subtel informed on Wednesday from last week that he had decided to temporarily freeze commercial operation on the band 3.5 GHz, after that through an audit process, the public entity will detect that Claro, Entel, GTD (Telsur), Movistar and VTR do not make us or effective at the national level of said band. The latter was delivered in 2001 and 2005.

For its part, the Supreme Court received Monday of this week the appeal filed by the National Corporation of Consumers and Users of Chile (Conadecus) against Entel, Movistar and Claro, to monopolize radio spectrum in the 700 MHz band auction (a key band for 4G development), and jeopardize its efficient and effective use. For this reason, I order the companies concerned to divest themselves of the same amount of spectrum as that acquired in this last competition.

Telecommunications connections in the country exceed 50 million in March.

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