Investigate the causes of the death of a Constable of Salta


July 28, 2018 – 14:48
The young Florencia Gutiérrez, originally from Oran, was found dead yesterday. He served in the 59 Squadron of Santiago del Estero.

The death of a young gendarme from Salta who served in the 59th squadron of Santiago del Estero caused a shock. The woman was identified as Florencia Micaela Gutiérrez, 24 years old and originally from Oran. The causes of his death are studied.

He was found dead yesterday morning, police sources said. And they added that the girl had suffered fainting in the last days for what was being done medical studies.

On the spot the troops met a colleague whose name was Lescano (26), who mentioned that Florencia did not attend the meeting. of course and his superiors asked him to go home to check the reasons for his absence.

The police patrol cars in the house where Florencia was found without He also said that Gutierrez suffered from neck pain, characterized by problems in the neck that caused instant falls.

The Investigation

Criminology staff worked in the place. Homicide and complex crimes. under the coordination of Dr. Mariano Gómez, prosecutor coordinator, who ordered the removal of the deceased's cell phone.

In addition, remains of a divided photograph were taken in which Florencia appears accompanied by a man.

The young Salta was a pupil of the Gendarmerie-specific Education Center, 4 years old, so he was not wearing a regulatory weapon

The results of the autopsy should establish the causes of death

. no signs of violence were found on the stage or in the woman's body, which was found beside the bed.

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