Investment funds inject $ 1,250 million into Epic Games (creator of Fortnite)



Epic Games, the video game studio developed by the popular Fortnite, today announced that it has received an investment of US $ 1,250 million (about 1,098 US dollars). million), Iconiq Capital, Smash Ventures, aXiomatic, Vulcan Capital, Kleiner Perkins and Lightspeed Venture Partners

The veteran studio announced that, in addition to these companies, Tencent, Walt Disney and Endeavor have become minority shareholders Current Managing Director and founder Tim Sweeney will continue to lead this direction.

The "Investment" will create powerful partnerships with highly strategic investment companies with leading-edge personalities, entertainment, professional sports, sports and live events, "said the company in a statement.

The truth is that Epic has managed to be a real market revolution with Fornite. create a video game that, while free, moves millions of dollars. Since its inception in 1991, the studio has distinguished itself with the creation of the Unreal, Gears of War, Shadow Complex and Infinity Blade games series, as well as Unreal Engine technology that offers high fidelity interactive experiences in virtual environments.

"This reinforces Epic's leading position in real-time 3D technology and accelerates our ability to improve the way people play, work and interact with the world," said Sweeney.

For his part, KKR's director, Ted Oberwager, said the interest of the investment fund for Epic Games is due to the fact that he "has fundamentally changed the interactive entertainment model under the visionary leadership of the company (…) We are pleased to help the dedicated employees at Epic and the pbadionate community of players and developers that is at the heart of everything Epic Games does . "

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