iPhone X: This is the Apple Cellphone that exploded when its owner updated it | Steve Jobs | Rahel Mohamad | Tendencies


I could not believe it. A young man had never imagined that updating his iPhone X under the iOS 12.1 operating system was going to blow up the cellular of Apple in the nose and the make totally unrecognizable.

As detailed Rahel Mohamad as this user called the iPhone 's X, was in the process of updating the operating system of his phone when. he noticed that a stranger black smoke was escaping from inside the cellphone and, at one point, she was catching fire.

Mohamad communicated with Apple via Twitter and the Apple company immediately echoed it by stating "definitely is not an expected behavior" and asked him to send the remnants of the 39, iPhone X for badysis.

The photos published by Mohamad in Twitter have surprised more than one person from social networks, since the The Crystal of the iPhone X has been totally ruined by the explosion which would have resulted in updating the computer.

It should be noted that the iPhone X went on sale at the end of 2017 and featured several features, such as facial identity, facial recognition technology, animojis, among other features added by Apple to this expensive phone.

If you want to see the photos of the iPhone X after the explosion, just drag the main image to the left. [19659007] [ad_2]
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