
Since Monday, the various online platforms of Isapres Banmédica and Vida Tres have presented various flaws that have made access to users impossible.

By means of an email to their affiliates, Banmedica that day confirmed the problems that were recorded on your page, adding that these would be solved after 2 or 4 hours

After that, and using the same contact, at 13: 30 this Tuesday, the company informed that they were still "working to be able to restore the functioning of our virtual branch as soon as possible ".

The message is repeated on the site of Vida Tres, belonging to the same consortium Banmédica, where they add that the channels Contact Center, branches and the purchase of links via I-Med are operational.

Parallel, from Life Three maintain an active response to their users via Twitter.

Hello Luis, we inform you that our service has not been restored to date. Once in force, you can request the refund of your surpluses on our web site
As soon as this will be solved we will inform you by this means

– Isapre Vida Tres (@vidatres) July 24, 2018 [19659007]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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