Israel reopens Gaza's gates for goods and people – Internationale


  Israel reopens Gaza gates for goods and people

On Wednesday, Lieberman ordered the closure of two border posts between Israel and the Gaza Strip for goods and people.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday ordered the reopening of the Gaza entrances four days after their closure in retaliation for a Palestinian rocket.

"This decision comes after the decrease of acts of violence in Gaza over the weekend and the efforts of Hamas [el partido islamista que gobierna en Gaza] to stop" the demonstrators announced the ministry in a statement.

On Wednesday, Lieberman ordered the closure of the two border posts between Israel and the Gaza Strip for goods and people. This decision further reinforced the isolation of the territory, which has only one border crossing point with Egypt.

A rocket launched since the Palestinian enclave had already caused damage in the city of Beer-Sheva in southern Israel.

Hamas condemned this shooting, saying it rejected "any irresponsible attempt" to prevent an Egyptian mediation from reaching a long-term truce.

On the other hand, in the period of daily demonstrations against the border with Israel that began on March 30, Hamas officials recently tried to dissuade Gazans from approaching the border fence.

Israel also suspended Wednesday the daily fuel supply of the Gaza power plant, normally guaranteed by a UN-supervised deal.

"The decision to resume fuel delivery from Qatar has been postponed to now and will be reviewed in a few days depending on the events," said the Israeli Defense Ministry.


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