"It is not a reference of the UDI nor should it be"


This Monday evening, UDI celebrated its 35th anniversary. During the proceedings, President Piñera was invited to seize the unit and keep abad of current challenges.

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Among those present was Jacqueline van Rysselberghe who stands for a new term as President of UDI and her opponent Javier Macaya.

Macaya and Van Rysselberghe will face the presidential election of the UDI on December 2nd.

In this regard, the MP for the UDI Patricio Melero, commented with CNN Chile that "as any confrontation (for the presidency of the party) obviously has a certain degree of tension. President Piñera took advantage of the internal campaign to renew ideas and call to engage in the transformations that this government is carrying out. "

" The call is to take care of the situation. Unite and take advantage of this large number of contacts because we are all traveling in many regions, renewing ideas and highlighting the social seal of the UDI, "commented.

Visit of Jacqueline van Rysselberghe to Jair Bolsonaro

Melero said that " the visit to Bolsonaro has many visions, and I personally did not like it and I did not find it positive because one of the effects is that it wakes up many of the cartoons that are woven into the UDI and brings us to critics who make us repeatedly claim that we are right-wing extremists and conservatives. "

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"I hope that in this case do not confuse you, Bolsonaro is not a reference of the UDI it should not be either . We believe more in a right-hand reference center and the clearest is that of the style of Joaquin Lavin, mayor of Las Condes or pr President Piñera with openness and dialogue, "said the deputy.

Regarding the consequences of Van Rysselberghe's visit to Bolsonaro, he stated that " had sparked controversy within the Party, first of all because it was a visit He had therefore declared that he had subsequently made it his personal title (…) if I had been president of the UDI, I was not sure that he had been a member. "

See the full interview in the attached video.

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