It is so that we see the center of the Milky Way thanks to a new telescope


This is the center of the Milky Way thanks to a new MeerKAT telescope installed by astronomers in South Africa

Captures the first image of the birth of a planet

It was necessary to accumulate the information sent by 64 radiotelescopes strategically arranged in South Africa, to create the first detailed image of the center of the Milky Way our galaxy

Scientists in charge of the project called Square Kilometer Array (SKA), published the Image for ushering in the operations of the advanced radio telescope known as MeerKAT which in the future will lay the foundation for the imminent construction of the world's largest telescope.

SKA will be built across Africa and Oceania and will, thanks to the information accumulated by thousands of smaller receivers, offer seats to the first rank for the spectacle of the cosmos . A radio telescope that composes MeerKAT has a radio antenna of just over 13 meters in height, which collects radio waves from cosmic sources which are then converted to digital information that can be reinterpreted by a computer.

] The data from each radio telescope helps to create a high definition image of what is beyond our planet.

The cost of this large radio telescope arranged in South Africa is estimated at more than 330 million dollars

  Asi-se-ve-centro-via-lactea-gracias-nuevo-telescopio-sarao [19659009] The MeerKAT radio telescope revealed an unknown side of the center of the galaxy (SARAO). </figcaption>
<p clbad= The MeerKAT radio telescope revealed an unknown side of the center of the galaxy (SARAO).

To be completed, the Square Kilometer Array project would include more than 3,000 radiocommunication networks lined up in the Karoo region [19] 459009] in South Africa, and Murchinson Shire in Western Australia. It is estimated that the project will take pictures of the universe in very high definition and with a large amount of information that will help to better understand what is beyond our planet.

In the image you can see particle filaments seem to align with the black hole that is at the center of the galaxy

Until now do not know how these filaments are formed, but it is thought that they could be particles ejected through the rotating black hole.

There is also a theory that the filaments are " cosmic strings " that have entered a sort of "trance", which aligns them with the way they are seen in the world. picture; but until now, no group of scientists has been able to explain his particular behavior.

According to Erin Ryan, researcher in space research at Flight Center NASA's Goddard spacecraft, "The image of the MeerKAT radio telescope shows how a galactic magnetic field behaves through the fine filaments that we see there. "

Up to now, it has not been possible to see these filaments in most optical and infrared data, but the image created with MeerKAT has revealed them for study.

"High resolution data like these will help in the study of magnetic galactic fields and their possible importance for galactic evolution," says Ryan at Gizmodo Gate

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