It will be operated: girl endured for 14 years living with remains of "parasite twin" on her body | Society


Verónica Cominguez is the name of the 14-year-old girl from Barangay (Philippines) who, according to the doctors of her country, grew up with the body parts of a sister twin that never developed in the belly of his mother

The case was addressed by the English newspaper The Sun, who explained that the girl grew up with some of the ends ( hands and chest) of a parasitic twin he never managed to evolve, however, he remained in his body.

As expected, many problems brought Veronica development of these body parts into her own body, since she failed to lead a life. totally normal. Although she attends school, she can neither play nor move with her friends.

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"When I was little, I thought that it was 39, was only a foot, but growing up, it was It was getting bigger and bigger.It is terrible, because it limits my movements. It still balances, so it continues to sweat. " , explained the minor.

On the other hand his mother, Flora Cominguez, told The Mirror newspaper that in his family there has always been a story of twin births. Unfortunately, she could never see a doctor while she was pregnant with Veronica.

At the same time, the woman reported that the fluid emanating from the extremities of the teenager had a smell similar to that of human urine, which makes the situation even more uncomfortable for Veronica [19659010] Viral Press ” width=”594″ height=”961″ clbad=”size-full wp-image-3796679″/>

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Fortunately, the neighbors of the village, where the miner lives, organize events and acts of charity to raise funds and allow an intervention for her, in order to remove these members. The obtaining of the final amount took a little more than a year

In this way, Cominguez should soon be able to go in 1945 to in Thailand to undergo surgery, who would have a high probability of success. 19659002] Beda Espineda, a pediatrician at the Children's Medical Center in the Philippines, told The Sun that many of these cases manage to be removed. "Many of these parts are attached to the skin or bones. It is very easy for surgeons to remove from the site," stated.

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It should be noted that, according to the Philippine government office in her city, Veronica will travel in Thailand for another two weeks to undergo this operation, with which she hopes to permanently improve her life

In 2016, there was a similar case in India, which affected the young man Narendra Kumar, who was to have a cyst weighing 2.5 kilos, and whose mbad also included hair, bones and even teeth.

According to the English Daily Mail newspaper, this mbad clung to Narendra's life thanks to a useful support for the fetuses, since it was kept attached to the young man's abdomen through an umbilical cord

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