Italy. Three men are arrested for the death of a teenager who has been mistreated for ten hours | Internationale


Three illegal immigrants from Nigeria and Senegal were arrested for the rape and murder of 16-year-old Desirée Mariottini, who was found dead in an abandoned building in the San Lorenzo district of Rome. Authorities estimate that at least six people participated in the crime.

Police reported that the girl had been raped by several men since the afternoon of Thursday, October 18th. They drugged her, left her unconscious and badually badaulted by a dozen people. He died on the 19th after more than 10 hours of badaults. The first reports suggest that the woman died asphyxiated when she covered her mouth not to scream.

The authorities handle three hypotheses as to why the victim went to the building, taken by vagrants and heroin addicts. . The only concrete fact is that she attended the program Sert, the service offered by the national system of health for drug addicts.

According to the BBC, which quotes a friend of Desiree, this changed her phone for drugs and left. to the building with the intention of recovering it. According to the same means, the family's lawyer said that the day before the disappearance, the victim had called her grandmother and told her that she would stay in Rome at a friend's house because she had lost the last bus back.

Matteo Salvini

The Italian right-wing government wanted to take advantage of the crime to exploit its anti-migration program. Matteo Salvini Minister of the Interior, travels twice to San Lorenzo. In the first case, a tumult forced him to withdraw. "He is the first to dare to come," shouted neighbors. On the second trip, he laid a white flower at the entrance to the crime scene.

"I will do everything to reach the bottom and pay those damned worms for what they did," he said, laying down the flower, amid the cries of adherents and detractors.

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that it could not be tolerated "that lawless spaces be created in the urban space".

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