It's time to take artificial intelligence


In times of turbulence, it may be very risky to lose sight of changes in the environment, to take refuge in the known realities of routine to avoid the permanent demands of progress, signs.

A new book published in China, is aimed at students, it explains the history and uses of automatic processing and learning from data. Stories that place young people in a world where many determinations and processes are mediated by artificial intelligence technology . The situations described are not in the distant future, but just around the corner concerns Chinese life in the year 2028.

With the title Fundamentals of the Artificial intelligence the manual is mandatory in 40 Chinese schools. In its nine chapters, topics ranging from history of artificial intelligence to its current use in public security systems are covered. The publication is part of an ambitious plan that began six months ago, when the Chinese government announced that the country aspired to lead the global race in the field of artificial intelligence. 39, here 2030.

The university professors of this country are aware that the new wave of technology is likely to surprise the academic communities that can be excluded from the hyper-roads of progress, because a critical mbad talent difficult to gather is necessary. In the explanation of a professor from the University of Hong Kong, an institution collaborating in the creation of the book, "the artificial intelligence sector is facing a shortage of talents all over the world ". In this sense, the initiative aims to bring technology out of the limited and somewhat hermetic field of universities and bring it to the common area of ​​learning, starting in schools.

The project is not surprising for a country that has historically planned its future with much anticipation, China has already declared in 2014 to have the largest 4G network in the world, while the Ministry of Industry and Information has indicated an important role in the sector, becoming the largest telecommunications market. In the first quarter of this year, revenue from information consumption increased 22.3%. These data represent 11.4% faster than the overall growth of other revenues. Analysts expect that the consumption of information is the new engine of economic growth in China

Therefore, the aforementioned ministry has launched a document in which they identify young people as key players in this plan. one that encourages schools to create alliances with universities and businesses to stimulate talent. If this project has good results, China hopes to include the subject of artificial intelligence in educational plans all over the country .

The Chilean educational reform, complicated by ideological practices and conflicts, has postponed this type of question, the quality, to begin with, and the relevance of the content, of the other. As can be seen in these circumstances, technology is needed as an instrument instead of distractor, resulting in the use of artificial intelligence, without risk of diminishing one's own human intelligence

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