Iván Duque promises territorial security councils every week


The president-elect stated that he would seek to disrupt organized crime and protect the lives of social leaders and human rights defenders. He reiterated that his goal is not to tear the peace agreement.

The president-elect stated that he would seek to disrupt organized crime and protect the lives of social leaders. Archives

The new Colombian president, Iván Duque, announced Wednesday that during his tenure, he would set up security councils every week, starting on August 7th. As confirmed by the uribista leader, will constantly visit the regions to closely monitor the authorities' response to ensure tranquility in different parts of the country. [Lire la suite] "I will be in the territories every week, in the morning, by giving security advice so that the mayors, the citizens and the Force Publique, dialogue, cooperate and share information, and restore this source of information to dismantle organized crime, "said Duque. And he reiterated that his government will not seek to" tear "the Peace Agreement, but will maintain what it considers fundamental.

(Read: The Last Cartridge of Santos for Complete Peace) [19659005] "We must maintain the things that are a conquest for the Colombian people, as the demobilization, disarmament and reintegration of the base of guerrilla, "said the new head of state before the National Federation of Municipalities.He added that the victims would continue to be the central axis of the state, but claimed that It would also work for the protection of social leaders and human rights defenders [Lire: Le gouvernement annonce de nouvelles mesures pour la protection des dirigeants sociaux]

] "It is important to guarantee social investment in the territories . It is important that we protect the lives of the social leaders and those who made this transition and also the victims. It hurts when a Colombian dies, "said Duque.It is worth remembering that this Friday ends the junction between the outgoing and incoming government, so that the president of the Democratic Center begins to badign responsibilities.

That same Wednesday President-elect Duque Márquez appointed Alberto Carrasquilla, who was leading the work, as the new Minister of Finance.The future head of the economic portfolio had already been in this position during the government of Álvaro Uribe, in the period 2003-2007, after the resignation of Roberto Junguito, the first to be appointed by the current Senator of the Democratic Center in this role.

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