Iván Duque's second day touring the United States – Government – Politics


Turned the page on bilateral relations with the United States, President-elect Ivan Duque used his second day tour in Washington to begin defining the role of Colombia in hemispheric relations when he takes Casa de Nariño This is what he did, in large part, as part of a meeting at the OAS with Secretary General Luis Almagro, during which he asked to end UNASUR and redouble efforts. to close the spaces for the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

" To the secretary I expressed my desire to strengthen the inter-American system and we must go ahead by inviting the withdrawal of our UNASUR country, an organization that has become in complicity with the Venezuelan dictatorship. What is needed, is to strengthen the OAS and its Democratic Charter as an organization. regional instrument for the promotion of democracy, "he said at a joint press conference. He also agreed with Almagro after the conclusion of his meeting.

Duque also stated that he would support the report of an expert panel of the OAS that recommended bringing the case of Venezuela to the International Criminal Court.

The region – said Duque – must unite to reject the Venezuelan dictatorship and use all the diplomatic mechanisms at its disposal. I've already denounced Maduro – for the ICC – and now what we should be looking for is that other states support these complaints and ask the court to expedite their investigations " to determine whether Maduro and-0 are responsible for

Almagro thanked Duque for his support and said that "his regional leadership will be decisive for the end of impunity in Venezuela, justice and the return to democracy. "

For the moment, the ICC is conducting a preliminary inquiry into Venezuela and has received the report prepared by the OAS headed by Secretary Almagro.

However, no state They have made this complaint directly to the ICC and, in so doing, have indicated that they will endeavor to bring a common position of several presidents of the region.

The President-Elect also told the secretary that he was expecting to have the pr OAS presence in the country in support of the government program presented to Colombians and hinted that they welcome the presence of the MAPP-OAS (Mission of Support of the OAS). OEA to the peace process) in the

The MAPP was established under the government of former President Álvaro Uribe as support to the process of demobilization of paramilitary groups and was maintained during the eight years of the Juan Manuel Santos' presidency, now focusing on the desmote of the FARC structures and the reintegration of their fighters as part of the peace process agreed with this guerrilla group.

This Friday morning, Duque met with the director in charge of the US National Anti-Drug Policy Office. (ONDCP), James Carroll and John Bolton, National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump.

Duke plans to stay a few more days in Washington and should have a week to come next week. additional meetings with members of the American Congress Before going on tour in Spain

Although concise and organized with little time in advance, his agenda with Washington ended up being of high level and constitutes a point of departure to refine the future of bilateral relations from August

For the moment, it remains to be determined whether President Trump will visit his home or whether Duke will come to visit him, already with the presidential belt , before the end of the year 2018.

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WASHINGTON Twitter: @ sergom68

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