Jacqueline van Rysselberghe about Boric's meeting with Palma Salamanca: "That does not surprise us" – Politics


The president and senator of the IDU, Jacqueline van Rysselberghe, accompanied by the deputy Issa Kort, reacts to the visit revealing that the deputy Gabriel Boric with Ricardo Palma Salamanca in Paris.

Recall that the parliamentarian of the autonomous movement had told La ​​Tercera that he had gone to Paris and had met the former leader of the group to "listen to his story ", a meeting that Boric himself had confirmed. 30 minutes.

Faced with these statements, the reactions of the UDI did not wait, the president of the conglomerate condemning the action of the autonomist parliamentarian.

"We think that, frankly, this is imprescriptible, and here they must search in the various legal bodies, the greatest sanctions, it can not act that the political representatives can meet with the criminals and nothing happens, "commented van Rysselberghe.

"We think that Boric must bring a great response to the country, and we will seek the harshest sanctions to make it clear, and there can be no left-wing layer of impunity or We can not justify asylum by calling into question the rule of law of our country, "he added.

The senator finally described as "very serious" the action of the parliamentarian and added that "there is much to clarify, among other things, who financed the trip."

Reprehensible that a Republic deputy secretly meets a terrorist, a convicted, profane and extradition felon. We must say enough about this left-wing Pharisee who defends the human rights of his sector and protects the murderers linked to his ideology.

– J Van Rysselberghe (@jvanbiobio) November 11, 2018

The secretary general of the UDI, for his part, said that "nothing surprises us from what a MP as Boric can do. "

"We believe that the deputy Boric, who could have known the most objective version of the facts, went to the judicial archives for the files of the Chilean courts, where it is shown that several ministers in charge of the 39 investigation have those who have reached the sentence to dictate the respective sentences, is not a case of political persecution, "said the deputy.

"This double standard according to which they speak of the rule of law is abandoned when they consider that it is just to condemn a military and that it is not It is necessary to condemn a murderer against a democratic senator.The incoherence of the left unfortunately calls us to appease the visit of the judicial archives, "condemned the Secretary General of the UDI.


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