Jair Bolsonaro appointed chancellor an ultraconservative diplomat and admirer of Donald Trump – 14/11/2018


As he had promised these days, the elected President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro chose a diplomat to lead the palace of Itamaraty. He is Ambbadador Ernesto Araújo and is 51 years old. He thus closed one of the central chapters of the training of his ministerial team, which, without appointment, created uncertainties in the international media. The future head of state announced via Twitter this nomination, but then proposed a brief press conference to which he was on a par with the new minister. According to Bolsonaro, Araújo is "very experienced despite his youth".

He indicated that these last days had "long discussed" with his collaborators and that after these debates, the option was offered to the diplomat who is now in charge of Director of the Department of the United States, Canada and Inter-American Affairs. Bolsonaro was in a meeting with Araújo at the Banco de Brasil Cultural Center, where the new government's transition cabinet works. Consulted current Chancellor Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, who has been appointed for the continuity of his term, said: "His colleagues respect him very much.He has made a career on his own merits and is a prepared, cultured and efficient individual. My impression is the best possible. "

Brazil's foreign policy must be part of the regeneration moment in which Brazil lives. I am informing everyone to the position of ambbadador Ernesto Araújo, diplomat for 29 years and brilliant intellectual, under the orders of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) November 14, 2018

In a brief speech, the future leader said: "I want to make sure that this extraordinary moment that pbades through Brazil, with the election of President Bolsonaro, will be translated into Itamaraty.An effective policy, based on the national interest.A policy of a Brazil that acts, that is happy and prosperous. "[19659005] Ernesto Araújo, ultra-conservative diplomat and furious critic of globalization ” src=”https://images.clarin.com/collections/static/lazy_square.svg” data-big=”https://images.clarin.com/2018/11/14/QdBPajYqb_290x290__1.jpg” data-small=”https://images.clarin.com/2018/11/14/QdBPajYqb_290x140__1.jpg” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

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The politician, who will preside over the country for four years, said that 39 indication Araújo responded. One of the main axes that he intends to develop in foreign policy . "With all due respect, but some institutions have lost their luster in recent years.And we want Itamaraty to shine again." He again mentioned his intention to print that links from Brazil with the world "have no ideological bias". Although having reached the highest clbad of diplomatic career, Araújo has never headed a Brazilian mission abroad.

Before the second round of elections, the ambbadador exercised direct militancy against Bolsonism. , to the point that it manifested itself in the streets of Brasilia in favor of the now elected president. That's what he said in the last post of his blog: "The Bolsonaro popular movement is not nurtured by hate but by love and hope," he wrote, adding: "I only remember a similar civic atmosphere twice: the campaign for Direct already in 1984 and the movement for the impeachment in 2016". For him, the elections of 28 were more than a "simple choice". It was above all "a struggle for the survival of the country".

In his blog, Metapolítica 17, created on the last day of September, the new Foreign Minister said that Brazil "must free itself from its globalist ideology ". And he insisted: "Globalism is economic globalization driven by cultural Marxism". Perhaps by occupying the position of director in a field that concerns relations with the United States, Araújo adopted a thought more in line with the ideas of Donald Trump than those of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary. According to his own writings, "globalism" is "essentially an anti-human and anti-Christian system." Faith in Christ today means fighting against globalism whose ultimate goal is to break the link between God and God. This renders God irrelevant and makes man a slave. "In his vision," the metapolitical project means, in essence, openness to God's presence in politics and politics. # 39; s history. "

Since before his victory, at the end of October, the president-elect had highly highly likely the change of headquarters of the Brazilian embbady in Israel. Her proposal was to move her from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But the plan is still in the shadows. This fact was already a trap: the current Chancellor, Nunes Ferreira, was finally unable to travel to Egypt because she suspended the tour, precisely because of the statements of the future president.