Jair Bolsonaro does not rule out maintaining the current head of the Central Bank of Brazil


On October 17, 2018, presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro talks about mediation after a visit to the headquarters of the Federal Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes

  Presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro talks to the press after a visit Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 17, 2018. REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes

The extreme candidate right and favorite to win the presidential election in Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro said Saturday that he was not pronouncing Keeping in charge the president of the Central Bank, who was elected, he was elected in the second round, Ilan Goldfajn .

Goldfajn, appointed head of the monetary authority in June 2016, held a strict control over inflation and was considered the best banker central by the magazine The Banker of to control the rise of prices in the largest economy of I am Latin America .

"I do not know if this will continue, but what happens should be maintained ," Bolsonaro told the press during his interrogation on Goldfajn's future. ] The head of the central bank, Ilan Goldfajn.

According to the agency Bloomberg the manager is preparing to resign at the end of the year which could deprive the next president of the country from being in charge. a highly respected economic agent.

The Central Bank of Brazil is not totally independent, the new presidents usually replace the head of the entity, which makes fear the markets political interference .

the central bank of Brazil is not completely independent, the new presidents usually replace the head of the entity, which causes the markets to fear political interference

Bolsanaro extends his advantage

According to a recent pollster survey Datafolha Bolsonaro extended his advantage over his left-wing rival Fernando Haddad . He should therefore be elected in the second round of 28 December. Tubre. E The right had 59% of preferences against 41% of Haddad .

Bolsonaro also claimed Saturday that he intended to designate astronaut Marcos Pontes as Minister of Science and Technology in a prospective government

The banker Paulo Guedes would be his Minister of the Economy while the retired Army General Augusto Heleno Pereira would be his Minister of Defense and the deputy Onyx Lorenzoni would occupy the position of Chief of Staff .

Bolsonaro also praised US President Donald Trump. "He wants to make the United States big and Brazil too," said the former army captain. This month, an adviser from Bolsonaro said that would follow Trump's nationalist foreign policy agenda.

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