"Javier Macaya has all the capacity to be the president of the UDI"


Although they reiterated that this is not yet the time for nominations, the UDI's caucus of MPs has already begun the process of developing a This list will be in competition with the current president of the party, Senator Jacqueline van Rysselberghe. said that seek to re-elect.

Jorge Alessandri is one of those who demanded competition and pointed to the leadership of their peers Mara Jos Hoffmann, Juan Antonio Coloma and Javier Macaya. He stops at this family name, remembering that he was already in charge of the UDI when "nobody wanted," after the resignation of Ernesto Silva to the leadership of the community, in 2015.

-How do you see the election?

-When I was on the board of Hernn Larran, we established for the first time the system of an activist, a vote, and electronic voting. This has democratized the party and more than 7,000 people have voted and it has been good for UDI, and I am sure that with this election, it will also grow. And it's nice that Jaime Bellolio has decided not to compete this time.


-I have already delivered this work once, I have traveled the country. Now, it is up to other leaders to be in a competition of ideas, project and proposal of what is happening with the UDI after this government, how the coalition is projected , what is the UDI in Chile Vamos.

this other direction?

– Anyone who understands that we must support the government and focus on social issues. This guarantee was given by Hoffmann, Coloma and Macaya, even by Rysselberghe, if you understand that in some things that were not done well, you have to change the course and integrate the new board with new numbers for the party to grow up and be back to government.

-Macaya is mentioned as the probable competitor of the senator. Is this your option?

-Macaya is a formidable leader, has all the capacity to be president of the UDI. He has a lot of authority, he projects leadership, he was already secretary general and acting president at a very difficult time of the UDI. When no one wanted, he put his face. He won gallons, like Hoffmann and Coloma. They have the experience, the desire and we will see who is the best to lead the UDI the next 30 years

– What should this IDU be?

– There must be an IDU that understands that Chile has changed, that today the axis is the middle clbad, who sleeps and goes to bed every day with the fear that if he loses the problem, gives him a sickness or has a contingency, he becomes vulnerable again. All our policies must be centered ah. If the middle clbad is calm, the country is growing.

-Macaya called in January to follow "the example" of Evpoli and to look into the current problems. The UDI needs to be updated?

– I am of those who are happy that Evpoli exists. Some are nervous. Evpoli is doing well in coalition, rejuvenates, energizes. If you start to rest on your laurels, do not go to the front. Together we are more, each party must renew, correct, see the things for which she will fight. Everyone is fine, including Jos Antonio Kast, who did a great job. Chile Let's go with him and with Evpoli it's bigger.

-I am ready to let the citizens go to the block?

-Of course. Several of them approached the government. Andrs Velasco will also make a contribution. To those who bother you, you must understand that for Chile Vamos to be projected in the government, it is only possible that with a Chile let's go, where converge conservatives and liberals, the elderly , minors, concerned about social issues or growth. This will make Chile terrific and President Piera understood it some time ago

Valid Differences: "Common Sense Openes the Spirit"

– The Discourse Differs from What It Was UDI is used to, proposes homoparental adoption. A more liberal sector opens in the party, as it is the case in RN …

– As for the UDI, I do not think it is a minority position many young MPs believe in our position. I have spoken with Jaime Bellolio, with MP Joaqun Lavn, even came to support me Mayor Joaqun Lavn, and no one can ignore that he is a party reference.

-But this goes against the institutional position of the party president.

-There are several positions in the UDI. In some things we do not shop and in others there is freedom of conscience, it is one of them.

– The UDI led to evaluation tensions with Evpoli. Do you feel represented by your party when that happens?

– People think less and less politically. Common sense allows you to open your mind a bit, prepare yourself for the next country and apply a little heart to political decisions. The best thing about the coalition is that it is diverse. This is a great badet, it will allow us to have a majority vocation and to remain a government. These are not tensions, it's part of the debate.

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