Jeff Bezo, owner of Amazon, earns $ 3,000 per second, but pays miserable wages to his workers


July 19, 2018
On Monday, the badets of Amazon's boss, Jeff Bezos, rose to more than 150 billion US dollars, making him the richest character in the world. history of the modern world.

This huge sum is difficult to understand. It can only really be measured in relation to the social status of the 500,000 Amazon workers.

Jeff Bezos has already earned $ 50 billion this year. That's about 255 million a day, which equals the annual wages of more than 10,000 Amazonian workers in the United States.

Bezos earns $ 2,796 per second in 2018, more than an Indian worker in the Amazon

The sum, which Bezos earned in five days, is the total annual income for 2017 of all employees of the Amazon Compliance Center worldwide.

If the badets of Bezos equitably shared among Amazon employees, each would receive a check for USD 300,000.

In the time it takes the average reader to read these five points, Jeff Bezos will have earned $ 70,000 more – seven times the global average annual income The existence of such badets reveals the oligarchic nature of the company in the United States and around the world. In capitalism, billionaires like Jeff Bezos dominate parties, decide who is elected to a public office, determine government policy, and dictate "public opinion" through control over scientific institutions and the media. Here too, Bezos is a good example. He bought the Washington Post in 2013 for $ 250 million less than he earned in a day.

Behind every great fortune, there is a crime. Bezos made his billions with the ruthless exploitation of Amazon workers. Behind him, he has more than doubled his badets since 2015, while he still had $ 60 billion. Since then, Amazon has hired some 300,000 new workers, an army of exploited people that produces the added value that Bezos fills its pockets.

Amazon has gained its competitive edge by introducing 21st century mining methods to your workers until the last drop of sweat. They must wear control devices that measure their performance and are forced to walk or run up to 25 kilometers a day. Injuries, deaths and suicides are common. The US organization "National Council for Occupational Safety" places Amazon among the most dangerous employers in the United States.

* Source: WSWS

Spain: Amazon workers continue to strike for three days despite police crackdown

In Spain, a three-day strike led by workers Amazon continues despite the crackdown by the Spanish police, who attacked the striking workers on Tuesday and arrested at least two people. The attack in Spain occurs as thousands of Amazonian workers in Germany and Poland also went on strike. The following are statements of the Spanish labor leader Douglas Harper, speaking of the action of the international strike

Douglas Harper : We do not want to extend our labor rights but we keep them rights, to recover them and make small changes for the future. We have frozen the salary since 2016. The application of wages has been totally changed by the company in their favor, reducing wage rights. Then he did away with a category that now costs 2500 euros less

* Source: DemocracyNow

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