Jeff Bezos became the richest man in the world, but his employees work hard and earn little – 07/17/2018


The fortune of the founder of the Amazon, Jeff Bezos, surpbaded this Monday the $ 150,000 million, for to become the richest man in the world. Modern history, the index Bloomberg billionaires . The figure exceeds 55,000 million Bill Gates founder of Microsoft, which is in second place with about 95 billion dollars.

Bezos, 54, exceeded in terms of comparison Until now, it was the biggest fortune since the publication of the Forbes wealth index in 1982, which is the benchmark in the field. It surpbades the nearly 100,000 million that Gates had in 1999, in the dot-com bubble, which would represent about 149,000 million currently, calculates Bloomberg taking into account the inflation factor .

The momentum of recent days is explained by the arrival of Amazon Prime Day the 36-hour reduction of the e-commerce giant, which accounts for the highest sales of society. ]

The stock market improvement of the company with the arrival of these key days has an impact on the Bezos securities, which are worth more and increase their wealth.

  Amazon workers are on strike (Twitter Amazon Workers in Fight

Amazon workers are on strike (Amazon Amazon Workers in Fight).

In any case, Gates' philanthropy is less fortunate – it would have exceeded Bezos long ago if, since 1996, it had not donated $ 2.9 billion in cash to charities and its foundation, and another $ 700 million in Microsoft shares. (today about 73.4 billion)

Since the beginning of the year, Bezos has seen its wealth increase by $ 52 billion. There remains only 1,500 million of the fortune of the Walton Dynasty, the founder of Walmart, the richest on the planet.

  Jeff Bezos with his wife, MacKenzie, at a party in Hollywood, after the delivery of the Oscars REUTERS

Jeff Bezos with his wife, MacKenzie, at a party in Hollywood after the Oscars. REUTERS

Comfortable Boss, Uncomfortable Employee

But not everyone is happy. Amazon employees have been under a lot of pressure. Many of them were unable to achieve the goals set and were fired. None had a second chance.

Until then, they used a work plan called PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) or a program to improve performance. The same thing was to put pressure on the employees for them to work more.

Amazon got a hideous title: the worst company to work for.

It is so only a year ago, Jeff Bezos realized that this method of work did not work. And created a program with which to help their workers to achieve their goals if they noticed that their productivity had dropped.

  Amazon packages in the shipping line of the Baltimore factory, in the second day of the Amazon. AP

Amazon packages in the shipping line of the Baltimore factory, the second day of the Amazon Day. AP

And they created the Pivot program. There are experts called "Career Ambbadadors", specialized in mediation and the department of human resources. Its function is to guide those who need it so that they can reach their full potential.

Some might think that it was the solution to their problems, but it became a bigger problem. The company gives to choose its workers if they want to be part of Pivot or not. And if the answer is no, they have two options: receive compensation and leave, or go through a very special trial.

If an employee believes that his productivity and his efficiency are optimal and that he is up to his expectations in the Amazon, his boss is the one who is wrong, can present the evidence to a jury, who is trained by a supervisor. company, or by external staff.

According to the portal Bloomberg only 30% of those who dare to confront their superiors win the lawsuit. The remaining 70% can leave the company or be part of Pivot

  Myrtice Harris, an Amazon employee in Baltimore, is finalizing the details of a shipment. AP

Myrtice Harris, an Amazon employee in Baltimore, is finalizing the details of an expedition. AP

And from that moment, this employee will live a hell. They will have to work every day with the person they faced during the trial and they will most likely leave Amazon by their own will.

Rich Boss, Poor Employee

If anything makes a multimillionaire in Bezos is the Amazon Prime Day, the 36-hour reduction of the e-commerce giant.

"I also boycott the Amazon". With this slogan, the first of the three strike days organized by workers from the Amazon Logistics Center in San Fernando de Henares, the largest in Spain, began on Monday

. There are only two reasons for this coordinated strike: better working conditions and rising wages coincide. Many hours of work for a few coins.

What seemed a partial measure and only limited to Spain, was extended. Six distribution centers in Germany have also decided to take part in the strike and Polish workers are working on the regulation.

  Amazon employees on strike ridicule Jeff Bezos (Amazon Workers in Fighting Twitter)

Amazon on the ridiculous strike Jeff Bezos (Twitter Amazon Workers in Struggle).

The strikes against Amazon in Europe take years. Employees from Italy and Germany went on strike last December to coincide with Christmas orders, following a joint strike during Black Friday. . Germany remains the Amazon's largest market outside the United States and its employees have been involved in collective actions against the e-commerce giant since 2013.

Amazon replied in a statement that "Amazon's salaries are high and consist of an attractive salary and a wide range of benefits." He also reports that all workers receive as of April 1 a wage increase of 1.6% to 5.6% per year and that each new worker who enters the company receives a monthly salary of $ 1,500. and those who are more than four years old in 1600.

Jeff Bezos is, since Monday, the richest man in the world. Its employees, for a while, charge for coins.

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