Jeff Bezos' fortune reached $ 150,000 million and is the highest in history


The businessman has earned $ 50,800 million in the year.

Carlos Gustavo Rodríguez

The fortune of Jeff Bezos rises at the same rate as the company he founded, Amazon, to the point that yesterday he touched levels no business man had seen in modern history.

According to the billionaire Bloomberg index, the wealth of the entrepreneur hit 150 billion US dollars. Although Bezos has already become the richest person in the world by the end of last year, he is now the one who has accumulated the most money since 1982, when Bloomberg started making money. his index.

The American adjusted to inflation the maximum price that had reached Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, in 1999 when he reached for a short period 100.00 millions of US dollars. This money, according to Bloomberg, would rise to 149 billion US dollars today, a mark that Bezos has broken with the investments he has made with his company. The fortune of the business man was favored by the good prospects expected of Prime Day, the 36-hour season in which Amazon launches offers.

The title of the technology grew by 54.6%, to a level similar to that of Bezos' wealth to which it added US $ 50,800 million in the year. Michael Cole, CEO of Cresset Family Office, which provides services that include wealth planning and taxation, called the figure "amazing." "It is difficult even to put it in perspective," added the expert quoted by Bloomberg.

The numbers are so high that fortune accounts for nearly 42% of Colombian GDP and is larger than the Ecuadorian economy. In addition, it represents 0.773% of US GDP and 2.79% of the total wealth of the 500 richest people in the world. The diversification of Amazon's business has been key to its growth in the stock market, as its foray into the health sector

Colombians also
The only Colombians listed in the Bloomberg list are Alejandro Santo Domingo and Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo. The fortune of the first reached 15,300 million dollars and is among the five richest countries of Latin America, with a clbadification led by the Mexican Carlos Slim (62,600 million dollars), which places it in seventh position of world ranking. Two positions below are Sarmiento, whose wealth is $ 12,300 million.

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