Jeff Kaplan: E.C.H.O., Future Heroes, Doomfist Report and Ashe Date in the PTR Overwatch


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After the announcement made at the opening ceremony, many of us, not only are we very happy to get our hands on the new heroine, but also the appearance of ECHO (we do not know if this is his final name), has raised a lot of doubts in the community.

After announcing the announcements, Jeff Kaplan visited the fans in the special kiosks with a version of the PTR in which the participants had the great chance to try Ashe first. Who was lucky this year to have Jeff Kaplan's presence In his Stream, it was Emongg who, for 40 minutes, was chatting with the director of Overwatch and revealing essential information about Ashe, as well as about the content that we will see soon in the game.

First, that is what many expect, Jeff Kaplan revealed that Ashe will be available in the PTR as p As far as possible, we are firmly convinced that this Tuesday, November 6, we will have Ashe to test in the PTR.

We hope we can have it in the PTR as soon as possible next week.

The following is a bit like the decision made by the team to prioritize Ashe's departure as a playable hero, Jeff Kaplan told Emongg in his Stream. Ashe is a character who originated when she produced the animated short "Reunion" and then, after seeing it as well as BOB, they quickly made the decision to prioritize their development over to other heroes.

And speaking of new heroes, Jeff Kaplan revealed in this course that they were working on at least 6 new heroes who would come to Overwatch.

See the division between tanks, healer and damage, we know that necesitamo There are more tanks and we have several plans, I do not exaggerate when I say that we are currently working on at least 6 new heroes.

The following was revealed by Jeff, it's the importance of this mysterious robot called ECHO, according to Jeff, What we saw in McCree's animated short, "Reunion," was just after Winston's call and McCree's plan was to release ECHO. for, according to Jeff, send the Petra treaty to the toilet and reunite Overwatch again. So, E.C.H.O. will have a very important participation in the game legend and also took the opportunity to confirm that E.C.H.O. will be a next playable hero, according to his reaction, we do not think it will be next, but one of the 6 that are being developed.

] Obviously with ECHO There is a beautiful story without telling yet, E.C.H.O. He is a very important character and it is obvious that McCree has some kind of relationship with E.C.H.O. Now, if you remember the animated short film "Reunion", it's McCree who received the call from Winston and Winston said: "Hey, we need to review Overwatch, we have to do something" " Come back here everywhere, no matter what Petra's treatise, we want United Overwatch again "And McCree's response to that was to go in search of ECHO So, we will definitely know more about her and she is a character who looks amazing and who seems to have great skills. So, I think a lot of us would like to have E.C.H.O. as a hero … I am very good at inaccuracy.

Jeff also took the opportunity to explain a little bit about Ashe's ultimate work, when he launches BOB and in a nutshell that's what he does.

  • Ultimate BOB

    • 19659013] Will lay charges against the first hero who is on his way within a radius of 30 meters and flies in the air with other enemies close to the first target.
    • The target on which BOB will shoot will be led by Ashe.
    • BOB has 200 HP.
    • BOB can be nanooboosted, healed, asleep, stunned, bubbled with Zarya and aim, almost like another hero. for Doomfist in the PTR, according to him, it will be a little nerve for his Rocket Punch and adjustments on the way he wins the shields with his abilities.

      Emongg also asked Jeff about the upcoming Winter Wonderlands event, he did not give a date, but he talked about it. The content confirms that there will be no new game modes and that the game modes "Yeti Hunt" and "Snowball with Mei" will be back this year, as well as a map that has not yet received "winter" treatment will be dressed in white this year and of course, as usual, a good amount of skins will enter the event.

      For the Christmas event, we will do … no I know how to say "winter" a card that l & rsquo; Previous year had not received any winter treatment. We are going to use the two modes again, Yeti Hunt and the other where Mei is killing everyone.

      In summary, all that Jeff Kaplan revealed in Emongg Stream is new, if you're curious to know more or see also As a gameplay of the Emongg stream, we leave you the direct link of the full stream, which reflects a little Jeff on his past Tigole in Everquest.

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