José Aravena reappeared on television and delighted with his fighting history | TV and show


José Aravena reappeared on television this Friday in Primer Plano where he influenced viewers with his current state and moved with his wrestling story.

With his sunglbades (because of his hypersensitivity) and his difficulty in talking and moving, the former dancer of Rojo tells how a virus caused him neurological damage and was taken care of by his mother and sister.

Five years ago, the artist, also HIV-positive, contracted a virus called John Cunningham (or JC), which caused a progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, which damages the white matter that covers the brain and produces damage. engines.


For a year and a half, he was prostrate, but the worst was yet to come. Due to a medical error, once he was given penicillin, which led him to convulse because he is allergic to this antibiotic. For this reason, he was clinically dead for a few seconds and had to be resuscitated by the medical team.

"To see Joseph strong and tall, then take him out of the hospital with 60 kilos, was difficult, but we did," said Raquel, Aravena's sister


] Thanks to his perseverance and efforts, Aravena has been able to recover certain motor functions and can even speak more clearly. The 38-year-old man said that he could take a few steps and have a drink, which was impossible before.

The exbailarín is maintained through a minimum pension that the state gives him and with the help of his family, who cooperate to cover his expenses.

José also badured that at that time none of his former companions of Rojo had contacted him and believed that many of them thought that He was dead. "They have me botado, they are very fake" insured

Also claimed that he saw the new season of the program and that did not like then he says that he lacks "glamor".


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