José Maza: "The grace of going to Mars is that you can not


The extraordinary astronomer and national science prize exact, José Maza spoke with Central Table and addressed the discovery of liquid water on Mars, which opened on debate on the possibility of inhabiting the red planet

In the first case, he badured that a "March attributed to him the color of the blood and is the color of the war; congeners, astrologers, sold the ointment to the authorities ".

In addition, he comments that "Mars is the only planet in which the surface can be seen with a simple telescope, just like Venus." " It has a temperature of 30 to 40 lower than Siberia It has almost no water, and liquids only exist when there is an atmosphere that contains them, "he explains.

And, furthermore, he insists that " the grace of going on Mars is (1945) is all difficult and a ship should carry about 15 to 20 tons of oil. . "

However, he comments that" the Martian equator will have a good surplus value "in case the Red Planet may inhabit

as part of this " new space race " and the interest of creating human settlements on Mars, Maza emphasizes that it is complex because being astronaut " five thousand are presented and three are selected . "

" You have to be trained people who understand that the group is more important than him "and problematize that" when the first Martian was born? What license will he have? There must be a register of civil status. "


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