"Kaos", the "hero dog" who saved the victims of the earthquake in Italy, dies poisoned


The poisoning of a dog who had helped to rescue the victims of an earthquake in Italy aroused indignation in the European country and activists demand more severe punishment against this type of crime

Kaos a German pastor formed to find missing persons, poisoned death in the garden, reported Sunday on Facebook Fabiano Ettore owner of can. Police reported that he was already investigating the incident

Not long ago, Ettore had posted on the same social network that he was worried because he could not find Kaos and ask him for information to help him locate it

. rescuer in his garden and referring to the person who poisoned him, that the police did not identify, wrote on his Facebook account: "You, shit, I hope that you can not have peace As long as you live, you have removed the most precious thing that I had, God takes it to you, you should die poisoned, you have removed it to a whole community, because he saved lives and I hope you will never need them. "

In the same publication, Ettore referred to his faithful dog:" Now, go away, my friend, look for missing people, you will always be in my heart. "

Shortly after, he publishes a video from Kaos a figure, next to a photograph of what appears to be the grave in which the remains of can rest. "Goodbye, my friend, you left a void deep thanks to a nasty person, you kept your work up there, you look for missing people, you save lives … ", he wrote

search and rescue operation
after the 6.2 degree earthquake that shook the city of Amatrice in 2016, action for which he was nicknamed the "hero dog". He was taken to the ruins of the fallen structures so that he could feel and help find the victims buried under the rubble. He has also collaborated on other rescues of missing persons.

Italian lawmaker Michela Brambilla said Monday that she hoped that the death of Kaos would result in the adoption of a law against animal abuse . that she proposed recently. Although there is no official data or figures, the poisoning of dogs is something common in 19459003 Italy

"The death of Kaos has affected the conscience of the Italian people, "he said. Brambilla

Three ministers also called for tougher penalties against anyone who would commit such acts.

* According to information from AP


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