Keys: The case of Thai children trapped in a cave | news


The world remains alert to the plight of 12 Thai children and their children who were trapped in a cave in the north of the country for nearly two weeks

. to understand how they came to this situation and why it is difficult to save them.


– On June 23, 12 children The football team and its trainer entered the labyrinth of Thailand's largest caves, as part of an excursion into the Natural Park Tham Luang Nang No in the northern province of Chiang Rai.

– The children are between 11 and 16, their trainer 25.

– It is believed that the group entered the cave to shelter from the rains. Due to rains, the flood of water blocked the exit of the cave.

– They are trapped between 2 and 4 kilometers from the entrance of the cave, at a depth of between 800 meters and 1 kilometer below the surface.

Untiring Research and Encounter

– The warning of his disappearance was given by the mother on the same Monday when he saw that his son was born Was not returned.

– Some 1300 Soldiers Participated in Search and Rescue Operations

– Rescuers Found Bicycles, Football Boots and Backpacks at the Entrance to the Cave

– The July 2, after 9 days of The governor of the province of Thailand confirmed that the 12 children and the trainer were found safe and sound.

– They were found by two British divers. It cost them three hours, back and forth, to reach them.

– Monday and Tuesday, videos of minors were published. In the latter case, the children had "good health conditions".

– A group of 11 divers, including health experts, have already been in contact with the trapped group

>> The rains stop looking for 12 children a cave in Thailand

Characteristics of the cave

– The cave extends under the slope of a mountain on a length of 10 kilometers.

– Contains a series of narrow pbadages that lead to wide chambers

– The rocky soil presents different elevation levels, in addition to being full of mud.

Rescue Complications [19659002] – The rescue could last weeks or even months, until the end of the rainy season

– One of the options is d. teach children to dive, which involves a high risk since none can swim and the journey is complicated or for an experienced diver

– Children are already trained to wear diving masks while the authorities are trying to drain the water.

– However, Thai Interior Minister Paojinda Anupong admitted that

– The lower the water, the less children must dive, accompanied by professionals.

– However, once the monsoon rains have arrived, the evacuation will be "almost impossible". "For months, according to a coordinator of the international relief team

– Faced with this scenario, they are preparing to send food and medical equipment for the next four months.

– L & # The idea of ​​finding alternative entrances to the cave is also explored, while wells have been found in the vertical grotto of the cave, none with the place where the children are trapped. well to extract them could be extremely dangerous and take a lot of time.

"Diving in the caves is very technical and dangerous, especially for beginners. Therefore, it may be best to help them in the cave until they can get out by other means, "said Anmar Mirza, coordinator of the US National Underground Salvage Commission, United States.

>> They find children trapped in a cave in Thailand

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