Kisspeptin, a hormone that changes the brain to improve sexual function


  In the new research, the authors evaluated the impact of the hormone on the brain

as well as on how the hormone affects the brain "at rest" – Photo: Pixabay


Scientists gained new insights into how the "master regulator" of reproduction affects the brains of men . In a new study, researchers from Imperial College London, UK, have studied how a newly discovered hormone called kisspeptin alters brain activity in healthy volunteers. The hormone, called the reproductive regulator, not only plays a crucial role in the production of sperm and egg cells but can also stimulate reproductive behavior.

In the new research, the authors They evaluated how the hormone affects the brain when it is "at rest". The so-called cerebral activity at rest is the state in which our brain enters when it is not focused on a task. The state of rest is crucial to understand what happens when the brain is active. In addition, the study of the resting brain allows scientists to examine the large brain networks known to be abnormal in various psychological disorders and to see if certain hormones or drugs may have them. ;affect.

A study published in Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, showed that the hormone altered activity in key cerebral networks at rest, which was related to decreased aversion badual abuse and an increase thereof. of cerebral activity badociated with badual arousal . Scientists have also observed that the hormone stimulates several brain networks involved in mood and depression .

Professor Waljit Dhillo, Professor-Researcher at the United Kingdom's National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). and senior author of the study of the Department of Imperial Medicine, notes: "Although we have already studied the impact of this hormone on the brain in the active state, this is the first time we have shown brain to the brain. basal state, state of rest, these ideas suggest that the hormone could one day be used to treat diseases such as low badual desire or depression . "

M. Alexander Comninos, lead author of the study and Honorary Professor of Imperial, notes: "Our discoveries help to understand the many and complex roles of kisspeptin, a natural hormone, and the way to reproductive hormones, as well as the badual and emotional function.Psychobadual problems, such as a low badual desire, affect up to one in three people and can have a devastating effect on the well-being of a person and the couple. These discoveries open up avenues for kisspeptin to serve as a future treatment for these problems, even though much remains to be done. "

In the new study, funded by the National Institute of Health Research and the Council for Medical Research. , the authors administered a infusion of kisspeptin to 29 healthy men while evaluating brain activity on an MRI scanner. Once in the scanner, several thematic images were shown to volunteers: badual images (such as badgraphy), negative images (such as a car accident) and neutral images (a cup). Cerebral activity of the volunteers while they were watching the images, in addition to measuring their cerebral activity at rest.

During the experiments, in collaboration with the NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility & # 39; and the "Imanova Center for Imaging Sciences", have also asked volunteers to fill out questionnaires to evaluate various behaviors, such as badual aversion (for example, in noting the words as "cold" and "unattractive" according to their feelings


The research team asked the same volunteers to complete the exams and tests during the infusion of a placebo. Volunteers did not know whether they were receiving hormone or placebo at each visit, which allowed scientists to directly compare brain activity and normal behavior of the volunteer with their responses at the time of the visit. 39, administration of the hormone.

The results revealed . ] hormonal activity modified in certain cerebral networks at rest. An increase in this activity was related to lower bad aversion and increased brain activity in the areas involved in badual arousal .

The first case of "supergonorrhea" is recorded .

Specifically, the researchers discovered impaired hormonal activity in the pre-determined network and in the Salience network which plays a key role in social and emotional treatment. It has also been found that the hormone stimulates the main connections of mood in the brain, which increases activity in the main centers of mood when negative images such as those of car accidents occur. In addition, it was found that the hormone decreased the negative mood in these volunteers.

Comninos concludes: "We have already conducted studies showing that kisspeptin may activate specific areas of the brain involved in bad and yet, this study further improves our knowledge of the hormone. Our results suggest that it can influence whole networks in the brain, even when we do nothing, and this is related to a subsequent badual and emotional function.Together, these findings form the scientific basis for researching treatments kisspeptin in patients with psychobadual disorders and mood, which are major health problems and often manifest concomitantly. "

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