Know why your cell phone is getting slower and slower


This is one of the worst things that can happen to you; at least obviously in the cellular world. Your phone is fine; you do not miss anything, you have not fallen, you have taken care of it; etc., but at some point in his life, he just starts to be slow and there is no other cure.

Sometimes it works to restart it; But not all the time. We explain what could happen.

Your cell phone is getting slower, what's up?

After a while of use; Cell phones change no matter how much you care about them. This is the sad reality and we are talking about programmed obsolescence. But let's see some of the "other " reasons why your computer could be terribly slow and how to fix it.

Old Battery

This is one of the most common causes for which a cell phone basically turns into a paperweight. If the battery is old not only will it last less, but your team will also slow down. The solution, of course, is to change it (or buy a new cell phone).

Lack of Clbadic Memory

Lack of memory affects the performance of your mobile phone; Even if you do not believe it. We are not talking about the impediment of saving new files; but when RAM and Flash accumulate too many write cycles. Obviously, this causes capacity degradation and is the most common reason why a mobile phone becomes slow.

Even if your phone is running out of storage space; It is very likely that he starts to slow down. In that case; the solution is easy: delete things or better yet, restart from the factory.

New Operating System and Applications

Do you think the latest operating system will do your old phone well? The answer is no. Because? Because usually, the operating system is newer; more weight and more requirements you need; same requirements as your cell battle to deliver. The same thing happens with the updates of the application; because they become heavier and more demanding each time. At some point, your cell simply can not keep up with modernity.

Cumulative Background Applications

This causes you in one way or another and you do not even realize it. Do not worry All this happens to us. It turns out that the more you install applications; Plus there is the possibility that some of them will work in the background each time you turn on your mobile phone. And with the pbadage of years; too many apps are piling up in the background; which obviously affects the performance of your mobile phone.


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