Knowing the important dates of military service 2019 | National


The list of young people called to perform military service corresponding to those born in 2000, was published Thursday.

Since 2005, military service has been voluntary in our country, but if the quotas are not completed, the non-volunteers participate in a lottery and this list was published Friday on the website of l & # 39; instance.

Those on this payroll have until November 19. for submit an application that it be medical, socio-economic or otherwise, allowing it to be excluded from the process or agreeing on a different modality to comply.

This was explained by the head of the Valdivia recruiting canton, Sergio Olearte.

Those who do not file a complaint, it is understood that they have chosen to do the military service and the march of 2019 should go to the unit who called it.

The latter will enter a new selection process to finally be distributed between the army, the navy and aviation.

One of the benefits of volunteers is that they can choose in which institution they want to do the service. Non-volunteers will be badigned based on availability.

The recruiter, Mario Hernandez, said the percentage of volunteers in the Los Ríos region was high. wp-content / uploads / 2018/10 / elservmilit19cc2.mp3

According to Hernández, in this region out of 3 summoned, 1 is selected and a high percentage of those performing military service seeks to enter the mother schools, which allows them to start a career and be part of the factory.

The Valdivia recruiting office is located at Calle San Carlos 110 and is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm.

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