La Moneda regresses: the abortion protocol limits the institutional conscience objection


The government changed its conscientious objection test in the regulation of the law, which decriminalized abortion for three reasons and replaced a provision made under the administration of President Michelle Bachelet. .

The standard in question prohibited According to sources, private health institutions are institutional conscientious objectors who receive public funds in the areas of obstetrics and gynecology. The Ministry of Health sent the amendment to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic responsible for visas. last hours of this Friday, 51 days after the agency reported illegal regulation by the current government, which has not limited the delivery of public funds to institutions that have declared themselves conscientious objectors .

According to the Office of the Controller, it is understood that private institutions that have agreements with the state for some health activities are part of the public network, emphasizing the role of the state to ensure a free and equal access to health.

Last year, the law decriminalizing abortion in cases of fetal infertility, a health hazard, came into effect. mother's life and when pregnancy is the consequence of a violation, but the conservative sectors continued to lobby to hinder the application of the norm.

One of the obstacles, approved by the Constitutional Court (TC), is the institutional conscientious objection, which allows private health facilities to refuse to practice the termination of pregnancy.

The individual conscientious objection, meanwhile, can not be exercised when the life of the mother is exposed to imminent risk "or the professional is objector", according to the regulations.

The controversy arose around the norm that the current government, headed by Sebastián Piñera, imposed tr, even motivated an interpellation and a constitutional accusation against the health minister, Emilio Santelices, by the deputies of the government. opposition, although the accusation failed even before being discussed in the background.

a hospital is a conscientious objector will have to reformulate its agreement with the state, and with that the issue is resolved, "said today Minister Santelices to the newspaper El Mercurio.

If I make a mistake, I fix it, and if I'm sorry, I give them, "he admitted about the failed attempt to amend the regulations, excluding feeling hurt by the criticism against him.

"The only criticism that could hurt me is that the president (Sebastián Piñera) was not satisfied with my work and asking me not to continue to exercise, but the others are part of the exercise ", he said.

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