Lack of vaccines delays flu campaign


The Ministry of Health, through Health Jurisdiction II, announced that the influenza vaccination campaign had been delayed by one week due to lack of resources.

The vaccination day was scheduled to start on Monday, but this was not possible because the vaccine package has not yet arrived in the city, confirmed the spokesperson for the addiction to Linda Sepulveda.

This is more than 86,000 doses that should be applied from next Monday. [1965] 19659002] Immunization activities will target the most vulnerable segments of the population, such as children under five, the elderly and pregnant women.

Influenza vaccines will be applied in all health centers throughout the city and brigades. dependence will go to schools and shopping malls to provide the badet for free.

In the last campaign, in January of this year, 160,000 people were immunized.

On the other hand, the official confirmed the extension of the third national week of vaccination until October 28th.

During the day devoted to hygiene, the vaccine is applied against human papilloma (HPV), measles, mumps and rubiola (SRP) and Sabin, in addition to completing the programs of vaccination in minors.

In addition, health workers communicate messages to the public about diarrheal diseases, respiratory infections, and home-based management. and the identification of warning signs, neonatal tetanus distribution and oral serum life, for a total of 860,000,862.

During this day, brigade personnel and approximately 500 people will participate in the activities. different bodies such as: the Ministry of Health, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (Issste), the Municipal Government of and Ciudad Juárez , DIF, Chihuahuan Health Institute (Ichisal), State Civil Pensions, Ministry of Education and Culture, Municipal Water Council and of Sanitation and the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena).

to achieve 13 000 150 doses of HPV vaccine, 18 000 742 doses of SRP and 131 000 503 of Sabin.

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