Las Condes launches an unprecedented facial recognition system in shopping centers


The system was installed in Mall Plaza Los Domínicos and captures more than two thousand images in real time, to compare them with fugitives of justice.

With the presence of different authorities, the municipality of Las Condes adopted this morning an unprecedented system of fight against crime.

This is a facial recognition system that captures more than two thousand people. real-time images so that it can be compared to information available from the police from fugitive criminals.

If the faces coincide with the appearance of offenders, the police will alert the Mallplaza Operations Center – where the software has been installed – to coordinate its location and provide useful data for its possible arrest.

Along with improving security levels, facial recognition cameras can also be used to help authorities in the region. search for missing persons.

Las Condes Mayor Joaquín Lavín, Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, attended the launch. Katherin Martorell, the Director of Criminal Investigations on the Carabineers, Esteban Díaz, the National Chief against IDP thefts and criminal homes, Iván Villanueva, and the Mall Plaza Operations Manager, Antonio Braghetto.

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