LASA starts working in Neuquén – Mensajero Web


The Minister of Tourism, Marisa Focarazzo, presided yesterday the press conference during which the new company "Lasa" was presented in the facilities of the airport of Neuquén. Juan Silenzi, president of the airline, and Aldo Elías, president of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism (CAT), attended the launch.

Minister Focarazzo said: "This is an opportunity for the province of Neuquen to be more competitive. – and stressed that – it is a new challenge to improve our services and to be more hospitable and especially to be able to unite to all Patagonia. "In addition, the President has "As president of Ente Patagonia is also a great message that is given by the private sector, so I appreciate the presence of Aldo Elías of CAT and emphasized the accompaniment and teamwork with provincial governments. From our management we will continue to work on the promotion of tourist destinations and hope that they will continue to accompany us to invite tourists to visit Neuquén. "

For his part, the president of the CAT Aldo Elías said that" this is a historic moment for the Argentine tourist and the Argentine businesswoman to see how the people of his country decide to invest in a complex moment of the country. We are proud and very happy to participate in this launch and we do not doubt that it will be a before and after for Patagonia. "

While the president of the airline Juan Silenzi introduced one of the twelve planes The new airline, LASA, will connect Neuquén to Chapelco, Bariloche, Santa Rosa, Bahia Blanca, Mar del Plata, Temuco and Puerto Montt, adding flights and increasing connectivity Air The airline is defined as a new "Argentine airline", not Low Cost, and with 14 destinations it is the one that drives the most in the south of the country. " We are Patagonians, we understand the existing needs and we know the existing demand, we have just made the public transport of pbadengers to meet this demand with latest generation aircraft "and finally he stressed that" the company s & nbsp; Is located in Neuquén Patagonia, we have many projects to develop, including freight and mail for the entire region of Patagonia. The company is neuquina, we felt at home. "

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