Latin America saves about 677 million computer attacks in 2017 – Diario Digital Our Country


Santiago, Chile, July 12 (EFE) .- Latin America has recorded 677 million computer attacks in 2017, which means an increase of 59% over the previous year , experts said in Santiago today in Santiago. 19659002] According to figures provided by NovaRed, experts in cybersecurity and informatics, Latin America recorded an annual average of 117 cyberattacks every 60 minutes

Also, data from the Academy of Political and strategic studies (ANEPE), under the Ministry In Latin America, cybercrime costs about $ 90 billion a year

In addition, according to international figures, the average cost of a cyberattack is 2.4 millions of dollars.

Because of these figures, companies In Chile, they invested $ 196 million in cybersecurity last year, which represents an increase of 4.1% over 2016, says the report released Thursday. However, the amount allocated to Chile represents only 0.07% of the national GDP, so it is expected that it will be able to increase further to guarantee better levels of services and greater greater security.

According to the NovaRed report, in Chile, banking and retail trade are the sectors that invest the most in protecting their data and operations. Window EFE

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