Latinobarómetro claims that democracy is cracking and weakening throughout the region


Support for democracy in the region continues to decline systematically from year to year. According to the latest Latinobarometer on democracy and the economic situation of its inhabitants, the indicator has dropped 5 points from 2017, or 48%, 15 points lower than in 1997.

level of support is "at the same level" The point of the Asian crisis of 2001 in terms of support for democracy refers to after seven consecutive years of decline ", warns the study.

The conclusions of Latinobarómetro call the He stresses that "democracy is plagued by serious problems, it's been years (…) that we are witnessing today again to the symptoms of a disease, diabetes democratic, whose chronicle has not only been announced but which unfortunately continues to be written. "[19659004] The data

This concern about the weakening of the democratic system is reflected in some data from the last investigation, such that the decline in support to the idea that democracy is the best system of government ", with the exception of all others".

This idea goes from 70% to 65% between 2017 and 2018, decreasing by 5 percentage points, which corresponds to a fall of 14 percentage points since 2013. Moreover, the authoritarian regime is supported by 27% of 23% of Chileans and 20% of Guatemalans.

The survey also shows that the perception of regression is the highest of the past 23 years, institutions are falling to their lowest level of caution, and politics at its highest level of disenchantment. "The number of former presidents involved, accused or convicted of corruption, has an impact on the consolidation processes of their country's democracies, and this also has implications for increased disenchantment with politics and politics. especially, electoral participation that leads to crises of representation and a decrease in legitimacy and trust in the institutions, "concludes the research.

In the judgment of Marta Lagos, executive director of the study, "we must paraphrase Queen Isabel to describe what happened in Latin America and say that 2018 was an" annus horribilis ". "

"These convulsions are not they produced demonstrations as they appeared at the beginning of this decade, but rather by election results, accusations of corruption, imprisoned presidents, corrupt businesses, migrations of the most important mbad in history, indicating that we have witnessed in 2018 the end of the third wave of democracies as spectators. "

What does Chile and Brazil look like?

study, the first round of the presidential election in Brazil on October 7, 2018, with the advantage obtained by the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro, "it is the gong that triggers the public alarm "

and, in this scenario," in this new Latin America, the state, the authoritarianism is achieved by elections.It is a wave of discomfort for a people endowed with democracy for education, libe Expression and higher levels of education, "said Marta Lagos.

In no country in the region, the majority is satisfied and there are also significant percentages. who talk about a democracy "with problems". This is the case in Brazil where the criticism of democracy "had electoral consequences directly consistent with them", as was the election of Bolsonaro to the presidency.

And in this badysis, Chile appears again. Although in the country there is nearly one in two citizens satisfied with democracy (42%), some data are alarming.

"We should not think that Brazil is an exception in its criticism of democracy, and in other countries, like Chile, 84% of respondents said that democracy poses problems (small and small). In other words, democracy is vulnerable and open to populist or other phenomena because there is a fertile land from where and leaders of all kinds can quickly reap, "notes the author. study.

The Inequality of Chile

Chile also appears in one of the two countries – the other is Costa Rica – where government approval increases between 2017 and 2018 The approval went from 33% to 45%, which is however attributed to the thesis of the "honeymoon" that the Piñera administration had with citizenship.

In economic matters, Chile enjoys a panorama. Although it is described as the "champion of economic indicators" and appears to be the leading country in the list of countries that report that the economic situation is "good", its debt in actions is obvious.

"Chile shows below-average results in the region in terms of equity indicators, such as income distribution or rulers," the report says.

Data Sheet

20 204 face-to-face interviews were conducted on 18 between June 15 and August 2, 2018, with representative samples of the national population of each country, from 1,000 to 1,200 cases, with a margin of error of about 3%, by country.

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