Lawyer applied 40 times to the notary but it was not despite obtaining the first place | National


Pablo Valenzuela Pérez 45 years old, is a lawyer at the University of Los Andes and has 3 graduates : one in administrative law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, a University Regulatory Agency Despite this, 40 times that he applied for notary status in at least 14 municipalities, and being in the first place, he never managed to get the job from Chile and another from managing companies in the same house of studies.

"I applied for almost all the open competitions in 2015, 2016 and 2017 and I pbaded the tests.I got first place, but I never stayed in the courts that make appeal courts " says Valenzuela

The prepared lawyer participated in the selection process in Chaiten, Maullín, San Antonio, Nacimiento, San Jose de la Mariquina, Coelemu, Linares, Pirque, San Fernando, Peñaflor, Santa Bárbara, Curicó, Diego de Almagro and Paine, among others, the slogan La Segunda.

However, despite having reached the last stretch, where the High Command of the country you select, has never been selected.

"Do not be in any of the three causes of frustration and distress. Unfortunately, meritocracy does not always work. There are other additional meritocratic elements that influence the designations "he admits.

Against all adversity, Valenzuela badures that all is not conquered and that he continues to apply, but without the same dedication, so that he does not reach the point. final step.

"Seven years of postulation suffices and we must continue to work," concludes the lawyer.

Indeed, the professional is working today in a study called Rodríguez y Cia.

"Conditions" to be Notary

Before, for example in 2011, the requirements for being notary were much lower.

"You gave your history, then the plenary met to make the shortlist, I never stayed there" says the lawyer.

Today The postulancy requires at least a year of law degree and the surrender of three tests: knowledge, skills and psychological test .

All this in addition to the curricular context. maximum in the specific knowledge test is 30 points; I must be 29 years old. I'm still over 25 years old. The best 40% give the skills and only 15 give the psychological test, "says Valenzuela.

However, it is the courts of appeal who choose a short list, without having to respect the results of the tests to finally be the Minister of Justice who chooses the "winner".

It is for this reason that cases like that of the new notary of Pirque, the former chief of staff of the government, Ricardo Moyano, have provoked so much controversy.

Moyano was unable to do the last two tests for failing the specific knowledge test. He could not even pbad the skills test or the psychological test.

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