Legalize the project which reduces from 60 to 50 kp / h the maximum speed in urban areas


The Chamber of Deputies today approved by 114 votes for, 8 against and 25 abstentions, the project which pbades from 60 to 50 km / h the maximum speed for vehicles in urban areas, after which the Initiative was able to pbad to the Executive for its promulgation as law of the Republic.

The draft, ratified in general and in particular in the same terms as that proposed by the Public Works Committee of the House and Senate, decreases the maximum speed limit for vehicles of a gross weight less than 3,860 kilograms and motorcycles in urban areas, 60 to 50 kilometers per hour.

As explained in the debate, in the presence of the Minister of Transport, Gloria Hutt, this amendment to the traffic law corrects an inconsistency presented in the treatment of the bill that incorporated provisions on the coexistence of different media and requires cyclists over the age of 14 to use the road and not the road.

The Executive and parliamentarians defended the thesis that a general reduction of the urban speed limit (municipalities have the power to decrease the maximum speed allowed in some perimeters of their municipalities) will reduce the number Most importantly, the probability of death of those who are affected.

According to the data provided, in the United Kingdom it has been verified that a reduction of 10 km / h in the speed of traffic in an urban road results in an approximate decrease of 0.6 to 1.8 accidents. per year on each road. The same measure in Australia involved a decrease of 8 to 21% in the number of accidents with injuries or deaths and a 25 to 51% decrease in the number of overpopulated pedestrians.

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