Legalize Uber and Cabify in the Argentine province of Mendoza


Requests for transportation contracts like Uber and Cabify will be able to offer their services in the Argentine province of Mendoza (West) after the Senate Chamber of that province today approved the new law on the mobility, pioneer in the country of the south

The vote had the rejection of the Peronist Senators, as well as the opposition of the taxi drivers, who attended the House through their unions.

The favorable outcome rules these platforms for "to consider new and different ways in the provision of pbadenger and freight transportation and to provide clear rules."

Mendoza thus becomes the first Argentine province to legalize Uber, although in Buenos Aires, in the middle of several judicial and legal whereabouts, has been operating since April 2016.

In a press release, the House of Senators informed that the new law amends aspects such as the "to be clearer and better disposed to demand."

Similarly, they badured that the project that was approved establishes clear rules "that guarantee the suppliers and users of competition rights and subsidiarity." [19659002] The Provisions of the Standard

The standard provides a register of all qualified drivers to drive under Umbrella Uber and Cabify who will have a section of "disabled offenders" coordinated with the Directorate of Road Safety in Argentina.

Monday, about 400 taxi drivers blocked the center of Buenos Aires to protest. the possibility of legalizing Uber and Cabify in Mendoza

In addition, Spain is experiencing a mbadive strike of taxis in different cities in recent days to protest the presence and use of the same. Uber. and Cabify, another transport application, by users.

In Chile, on Monday there was also a mobilization of taxi drivers against these transport applications.

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