Letter from the president of TVN reactivate conflicts


TVN's president, Francisco Ortega, sent a letter to El Mercurio published on Friday, July 20 where he applauded the idea of ​​creating an investigative commission to clarify various problems of the public channel. 19659002] It is the socialist deputy Marcelo Díaz who proposed the creation of the commission to investigate the situation of TVN both from the point of view of the budget deficit as the controversy generated by the terms of the contract of Executive Director Jaime de Aguirre who, in addition to the monthly salary of 18 million pesos, accepted an indemnity of 72 million dollars

This clause in the contract of Jaime de Aguirre was created in December 2016 when the president of the channel was Ricardo Solari (PS). Given this, Marcelo Diaz noted that: " Solari is accountable for this process " which was well taken by the current president of TVN.

As reported by El Mercurio, Francisco Orrego said that "I enthusiastically celebrate the announcement of a research commission.I see in this case a favorable opportunity (19459003) for the Chileans to know in detail the irregularities detected by the controller in TVN and the participation that the previous administration had in them.

The words of the current director of TVN are not going very well with the members of the CA Francisco Frei (DC), Antonio Leal (PPD) and Máximo Pacheco (PS) who the day before they opened a dialog with the government to find solutions. 19659003] Frei said: "Orrego is totally contrary to the spirit of unity that the government raised while Pacheco stated that the president of the chain " completely disavowed Minister Chadwick " who had asked the government to Company to search for chords and work in unity

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