Libertad: PNP intervenes with a minor in an inn | Trade | Peru | Freedom


The National Police (PNP) intervened with the priest Ronald Jerry Peña Miranda (age 38) while he was a minor of 16 years in the room of a hostel, located in the small town of Pacanguilla, Pacanga District, Chepén Province, in La Libertad

The fact provoked outrage in the community, since Ronald Peña served as a priest in the parish of San Agustín, in Pacasmayo, a province located south of Chepén and north of Trujillo

The intervention took place this Saturday at 10:30, after a teen aunt denounced the priest for the crime alleged rape in Chepén police station.

Agents unexpectedly entered the hostel. Inside the housing was found the vehicle that Peña Miranda would have used to move the minor.

After the intervention, the priest was made available to the Division of Criminal Investigation (Divincri) of Chepén as "intervened". According to police sources, he would not have been found sleeping with the teenager. Now, the public prosecutor determines her situation

The minor made her demonstration before the competent authorities and, according to the PNP, she said that she had a sentimental relationship with the pastor.

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Trujillo has announced the priest's suspension from the exercise of all priestly rights and duties, due to "serious acts he has committed against morality and which are harming seriously to the sensitivity of the faithful and society ".

The ecclesiastical institution added that it was the conformation of a canonical commission to conduct due inquiry and to submit the corresponding report of the case as soon as possible .

"The Archdiocese of Trujillo categorically rejects all the facts and conduct that violate the dignity of the human person, more when it is a minor," the statement said.

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