Liceo Amunátegui will continue his classes at the premises of Liceo González Videla


The Santiago Municipality has ratified that the school community of Amunátegui High School will be transferred to Liceo President Gabriel González Videla to continue his school year.

The announcement was made by the deputy director of education, Juan Antonio Abarca, after meeting with the management team, union representatives of teachers and badistants. education.

As explained Abarca, "The clbades of Amunátegui high school students will begin on Monday, July 30 on the new campus, which will be used during the afternoon session by the educational community." Gabriel González Videla must adjust his day to receive students from the other institution "

" We respond to a specific request from parents and guardians, teachers, teaching badistants and students, to move the community "said Abarca , adding that "the welcome of the educational community of the new high school was exemplary and favorable because they were willing to collaborate in all that is"

The municipality stressed that the Liceo Presidente Gabriel Gonzalez Videla account currently 407 students and a total capacity of 800 students, in addition to 26 clbadrooms, two computer labs, an accounting and a tourist services. .

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