Liceos de Santiago accumulate more than 300 days without classes for shooting in three years


In the last three years, the municipal schools of Santiago lost 316 days of clbades to be in seizure the equivalent of a school year.

In as much, according to La Tercera, in 2018 the establishment that adds more days to admission in 2018 is Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera with a total of 20 days. The first occupation at school took place on May 29 and students took 12 times high school. For its part, the National Institute had seven days of admission this year, less than in previous years.

In fact, until now in 2018 the numbers were lower than in previous years . However, the clichés have had great visibility in the last month.

On the situation of the mayor of Santiago, Felipe Alessandri maintained the policy of "school taken, school expelled". He also explained that during the clbades, not only were the clbades missed, but "for a large part of the high school students Amunátegui, for example, the hearty meals of the day are the lunch and dinner that they eat at l & # 39; school. "

"Many parents of these students have told me that they do not have the resources to give him a good meal.Then, young people have to think about the damage they cause." to their peers I can not, as a partisan, be permissive in this sense, "he said. In May alone, approximately 17,568 food rations were lost

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