LinkedIn has used the emails of 18 million unauthorized users – Apps – Technology


According to the Data Protection Commissioner, the network has used e-mail to attract more subscribers.


The report states that emails from millions of Europeans who did not use LinkedIn were used to send personalized advertising and reach the network.


Editorial Board of Tecnósfera

on November 26, 2018, at 18:21.

According to a report by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, the company social network LinkedIn violated data protection in Europe using e-mail accounts of 18 million users for try to get more users.

According to the survey conducted during the first half of this year, until May of this year the social network was using accounts of people who were not LinkedIn users with the goal of segmented advertising on Facebook and to get more subscribers. .

The document states that e-mails from European users were also used to send personalized advertising and that these algorithms were also used to create social network graphs suggesting professional networks.

The social network was not fined, it just received a wake up call that resulted in LinkedIn recognizing its actions and apologizing for what happened.

But all is not over yet, there remains a question on the agenda: how did LinkedIn have access to 18 million emails?


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