Lithium: Bolivia names 5 countries as markets for fertilizers and batteries


Despite comments on lithium industrialization, battery investments and the strategic partner, the executive director of the Bolivian Corporation of Lithium Deposits (YLB), Juan Carlos Montenegro, badured that Bolivia would enter the lithium market at the end of the month. 2022 with the export of "lithium ion batteries".

On October 5, YLB, a state-owned company, and ACI Systems, a German government, signed an agreement for the creation of a joint venture dedicated to the operation of this ore in the salt pan of Uyuni.

Information Letter

Receives the principal owners of directly by courier.

According to the document, YLB will contribute 51% and ACI Systems 49% of the joint venture that should be formally established at the end of this year.

However, Juan Carlos Zuleta, ecologist onomy lithium, indicates that the batteries that will be produced in Bolivia will not have a significant market, so he considers as a mistake the choice of the German company ACI System as a partner from YLB.

The expert relies on official data. plans to build 400,000 batteries of 20 kilowatt-hours (kW / h) of energy capacity and that these batteries have no market.

In response, Montenegro said: "This is what those who have never built their lives, who have never trampled on a factory, who have never proposed an industrial activity, say. is very easy on the part of the office to say anything and unfortunately this exists. "

Zuleta claims that ACI System does not have the ability to deal with a project of this scale because of its lack of experience and capital.

In this respect, Montenegro notes that the German company is specialized in photovoltaic systems. "This is one of the leading companies in Germany, specializing in photovoltaic systems that obviously require lithium-ion batteries to accumulate the generated energy," he said.

In a study by Los Tiempos on the portal of the company The German has verified that its services are divided into renewable energies and electronic mobility. In the first branch, ACI System works on battery systems, raw materials and photovoltaic materials. In the second branch, works in the storage of energy and energy production.

Contrary to what Zuleta claims, the former president of the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (Comibol), Hector Cordova, expressed his support for ACI System, considering that this company has qualified staff and appropriate technology to install the lithium industrialization plant.

He adds that the German company offers a gigantic market composed of important European brands which, according to him, would be interested in the batteries produced by Bolivia. .

"This company has great experience as a manager of large projects and technologies.I see that to install the battery factories, the management of the business is necessary because after the purchase of technology, the problem is how a project of this magnitude is managed, "he added.

An amount of $ 1,300 million is the amount of investment in the construction of the lithium industrialization plant in four stages.


The executive director of Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB), Juan Carlos Montenegro, said that the factory for the industrialization of lithium will be designed for a capacity of eight gigawatts / hour per year of capacity. "It means more or less being able to make batteries for about 100,000 to 150,000 electric vehicles," he said.


Bolivia will establish the price of lithium. President Evo Morales badured that in the coming years, Bolivia would be the country that would establish the price of lithium batteries in the world. The alliance with the company ACI Systems should be finalized until the end of the year.

The potbadium chloride production plant is already operating. On October 7, President Evo Morales inaugurated the industrial potbadium chloride plant located in Uyuni (Potosí), with a production capacity of 350,000 tons per year, which s & # 39; enrolled in the strategy of industrialization of lithium. in Bolivia.

The Lithium project is promoted since 2012. The first phase of the industrialization of lithium in Bolivia began in 2012 with the development of the technological process and the production of pilot factories. fertilizer. The second phase began in 2015 with the construction of industrial plants of potbadium chloride and lithium carbonate for export.


The Executive Director of the Bolivian Corporation of Lithium Deposits (YLB), Juan Carlos Montenegro, indicated that several companies wished to acquire lithium batteries in Bolivia to produce

" We hope that it will be by the end of 2022. It is a project that is not immediate, it is not simple, it implies the realization of several additional works that would create the necessary conditions for functioning of a battery factory in Bolivia, "said Montenegro.

He explained that, for the moment, the construction of four factories was established. In this sense, in order to promote the use of fertilizer sources and lithium batteries in photovoltaic systems and to approach potential markets, YLB Corporación organized the first Iberian trade forum. American to promote the industrialization of the Uyuni salt shaker. [19659016] Montenegro explained that it was also planning to export potbadium chloride – a broad-spectrum fertilizer in national agriculture – to neighboring countries, while the strongest demand was the Brazilian market, which had pledged to send the first 10 thousand tons in the coming weeks and perhaps 20,000 others until the end of the year.

He also said that Paraguay, Argentina, Peru and Ecuador are also interested in potbadium chloride, but not to the same extent as Brazil.

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