LIVE | Keiko Fujimori: end of the third day of remand hearing | Politics


The Prosecutor for the Fight Against Corruption told the Lava Jato special team, José Domingo Pérez, that he had asked on Thursday his provisional detention in pre-trial detention for the leader of Fuerza Popular (FP), Keiko Fujimori .

Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho resumed the hearing Friday and completed it after 8 pm. The session will resume this Saturday from 10 am

Three debates were held in which the prosecutor and the Fujimori defense, as well as the alleged adviser Vicente Silva Checa, debated before the judge of the inquiry Richard Concepción Carhuancho the arguments for and against him. ;requirement.

At the discretion of the prosecutor's office, it is necessary for the PF leader to attack the investigation followed by money laundering for allegedly receiving illicit contributions from the company. Odebrecht for his election campaign of 2011.

During the debate, which lasted more than 15 hours, the prosecutor tried to show that if the conditions to dictate the prison were met, such as the risk of escape and preventing the holding of the investigation.

"He could not appear with restrictions as this could prevent the truth from being established and because it was demonstrated that Keiko F ujimori committed the criminal act for which he is the subject of an investigation, "concluded the prosecutor.

-Testigo denounces coercion
One of the allegations that the prosecutor had usually baderted was that the alleged criminal organization headed by Fujimori Higuchi would act to obstruct the investigations, it is that the witness Liz Documet Manrique would have been forced. She was arrested on October 10, the same day as her arrest.

According to the prosecutor, Documet Manrique, who would be a fake contributor, had summoned her on October 15 to confess, on October 12, when she was in custody, a woman who he was identified as a member of VT visited him and badured him that the party was going to offer him a lawyer.

The prosecutor added that Documet was afraid because the woman had told him that it suited him.

Liliuth Sánchez Bardalez – another of those arrested – also told the prosecutor that a criminal defense lawyer had made him sign certain papers.

Sánchez denied to the prosecutor who had provided the party the S / 13. thousand who are recorded in his name.

The two would have corroborated the version of TP 2017-55-3, which also indicated the existence of false contributors.

Affirm that Fujimori had the intention to impede the investigation. is, he mentioned that "at the house of Vicente Silva Checa – another investigation – documents were found which aim to question the tax investigations."

The prosecutor also argued that Fujimori does not have a house held because it does not have its own house and has several houses. In addition, despite his financial means, there is no building in his name.

On Work Safety, said the protected witness TP 2017-55-5 had baderted that Erika Yoshiyama Koga, FP's finance officer, he was seeking to "fabricate" party payment tickets for Fujimori.

Giuliana Loza, counsel for the defendant, focused her arguments on the fact that the prosecutor could not prove that there were grounds to dictate a prison. Preventive "Not only is there no risk of escape, but there is no risk of hindrance," he said. He added that he did not corroborate the imputations made.

Loza argued that receiving a salary from the party proved that he was rooted in his job. She noted that her daughters lived with her and that the ex-applicant's various trips abroad related to invitations or studies.

At the hearing, Loza said that strangers were following Fujimori.

"There is no connection between the measure requested [prisión] and the current state of the process," added Loza.

At the end of the hearing, Keiko Fujimori spoke. "I have never come, I have not fled before, I will not run away now, I am going to confront this process in the name of the truth, of my political party and of my family," he said.

He questioned the veracity of what was said by the protected witnesses and the lack of corroboration of the prosecutor's office.

"I have a life that confirms that I will not leave the country When my father's regime fell [Alberto Fujimori] I did not leave the country," he said.

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